3月7-8日Linux基金會在香港數碼港舉行開源區塊鏈活動 Hyperledger BootCamp 2019,為Hyperledger旗下不同開源區塊鏈專案「開坑」,讓新開發者加速了解不同專案的入門方法,速成教導新開發者貢獻專案的程序。

BootCamp形式像BarCamp那像Unconfernce形式,由參加者設定每節題目。而不同之處是每節都需要參加者自備手提電腦,按不同專案和類型,分作12個10人大圓桌小組,跟主持(Session Leader)做一些習作和互動。主持按照該節目的,或多或少指導參加者作業,甚至交由參加者主導作業。另設三間10-20人培訓室,多作入門教學。
源自 IBM 釋出源碼的Hyperledger Fabric自然有不少人棒場,而筆者在兩日活動主要參加Hyperledger Iroha和Hyperledger Indy相關環節。
區塊鏈入門環節The Forest & the Trees! The unifying foundations of Blockchain,為區塊鏈新手講解區塊鏈技術。
- DLT = Distributed Ledger Technology
- Hash and Message Digest
- Public Key Crypto
- Merkle Tree
- Transaction Chain
- Blockchain
- Header- contains
- Chaining-achieved through hashing of previous blocks
- Merkle Root: Hash based data structure of transactions (here Hash of Block data)
- Permissioned vs Permissionless
- Block-Fabric
- Blockchain
- Additional items in header and transactions…..
- Block-Sawtooth
- additional items in header an batches are to do with permission ledgers.

Hyperledger Indy需要懂Rust的開發者,所以設有入門環節Introduction to Rust and Cargo,讓不認識Rust的開發者快速了解這Rust語言。以下是筆者英文速記:
- WASM!!
- Web app server -> middleware -> browser code, all in RUST!
- cargo init –bin myproject
- Cargo.toml
- .toml json file in different layout.
- cargo build
- cargo run
- Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4.53 secs
- optimised version
- cargo build —release
- Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.0 secs
- https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/
- https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/cargo/
- https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rust-by-example/
- https://crates.io/
- More packages than Python, Node
- Most Recommended Package: serde
- a generice serialisation/deserialization framework
- IRON extensible web framework for rust
- ironframework.io
- enum = data type
- pub fn fn_name() {… } = public function
- for i in a {… } = for loop
- let, let out something = 0;
- impl

筆者在Hyperledger Iroha入門環節Getting Started with Iroha Session I 的英文速記。
- Features
- Command-driven architecture
- Asset management
- Identify management
- Byzantine fault-tolerant ordering service and consensus
- Role-based access control
- Mutlo-signature transactions
- Universal peer role and easy scripted deployment with Docker and Ansible
- Command-driven architecture
- Why Iroha
- Distributed Ledger platform for simple use-cases of payments and identify storage.
- Uses fixed set of commands 16 in total (eg. asset creation, transfers, account creation) and ?? queues.
- Successful Proof of Concept projects: cross-chain exchange, bank settlements, etc.
- Data structure
- User account {account_name}@{domain}
- Each user have some Asset {asset_name}#{domain}
- Works
- Run Iroha locally
- Create simple web service to interact with Iroha
- Workshop 1
- Start Iroha node locally and perform several operations over it using CLI by following Getting Started document
- Get familiar with client java lib
- obtain the wireframe example web server
- implement needed functions by example from client java lib
- check everything using Postman tool
- https://www.notion.so/Iroha-for-beginners-Practical-Part-c0983b5c3f1b4812b8ad9913feecb8a2
- Iroha in Python: https://github.com/hyperledger/iroha-python
irohad –config ~/config.docker –keypair_name ~/node0
[2019-03-07 10:57:01.576692300] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: [Account Assets] [2019-03-07 10:57:01.576748700] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: -Account Id:- test@test [2019-03-07 10:57:01.576762100] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: -Asset Id- coolcoin#test [2019-03-07 10:57:01.576776500] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: -Balance- 100.5
[2019-03-07 10:57:40.420019600] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: [Account Assets] [2019-03-07 10:57:40.420044900] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: -Account Id:- admin@test [2019-03-07 10:57:40.420052900] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: -Asset Id- coolcoin#test [2019-03-07 10:57:40.420063700] [I] [CLI/ResponseHandler/Query]: -Balance- 100.0
筆者在Hyperledger Indy入門環節Getting Started with Indy的英文速記。
- Sovrin Foundation, Sovrin Alliance
- Identity
- Sovrin donate source code to LF.
- Most Bottom Layer: Indy-Crypto -> HyperLedger Ursa
- Client side: Indy-SDK (libIndy & libVCX), Agent (on top SDK) (Python, Node), Sovrin Connector-App
- Ledger side: Indy Plenum (Communicate with Nodes), Indy-Node (on top of Plenum)(Handling Identity), Sovrin Ledger plugin
- Look for: Agent Protocol, Schema2.0, DKMS Efforts (Decentrailised Key Management System), Ledger 2.0 (Python?).
然後是Indy Agent的英文速記。
- https://indyscan.io/
- https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-agent
- 跟Quickstart: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-agent/tree/master/python
- 使用網卡IP地址而不用localhost
- https://vonx.io/about/
- https://sovrin.org/library/
- https://github.com/streetcred-id
在結束環節最後,Hyperledger團隊宣佈David Liu被選為新的義務宣傳大使(ambassador)。 (原文提供:Router.HK)