In an era where technology is rapidly evolving, open source software stands out as a transformative force in the tech landscape. This talk will explore the significance of the open source movement and how it empowers both careers and communities.
分類: 受邀演講

(只提供英文版)AWS Developer Year-end Meetup 2023
Exploring Global Tech Opportunities – My Experience in Tech Communities
Speaker: Sammy Fung, President of Open Source Hong Kong

HK WordPress Meetup #77: 如何加強 WordPress 網站的安全性以保護您的網站和使用者 by Nicholas Yau (廣東話)
在這次的活動中,講者會探討各種在 WordPress 需要注意的安全問題,以及如何利用不同的方法去強化 WordPress 網站,以保護網站和使用者的安全。

點{解,樣}喺香港搞開源 ft. @sammyfung @opensourcehk – web3任我dev💻 #12
Sammy 將於下星期一(7月3日)21:30 於 與大家暢談開放源碼,同全港最大 web3 developer community 擦出火花!

(只提供英文版)AWS Developer Year End Meetup 2021
AWS Developer Year End Meetup 2021 社群分享
Calvin Tsang, Core member of Hong Kong Open Source Conference