分類: 會員聚會

(只提供英文版)OSHK x HK Python User Group #82 Data Science in Daily Life
Have basic knowledge about Python, especially interested in Data Science

(只提供英文版)OSHK x HK Python User Group #81 Py-Finance & Py-Debugging
P4703, 4/F, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong

(只提供英文版)OSHK x Python User Group in DimSum Lab#80
Join Us for the OSHK x Python User Group Christmas Party at Dim Sum Lab!

(只提供英文版)OSHK x Python User Group Meetup #79 One more step to PyCon HK 2024
繼續與 Hong Kong Python User Group 聯乘 Meetup,輕輕鬆鬆分享 Python 知識及了解 #PyCon2024 多一些。