Have basic knowledge about Python, especially interested in Data Science
Category: Hong Kong Python User Group

OSHK x HK Python User Group #81 Py-Finance & Py-Debugging
P4703, 4/F, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong

OSHK x Python User Group in DimSum Lab#80
Join Us for the OSHK x Python User Group Christmas Party at Dim Sum Lab!

Come Join Us at PyCon HK 2024!
As the organizers of PyCon HK 2024, OSHK is thrilled to invite you to our booth near LT-8 in the Yeung Kin Man Academic Building at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) tomorrow. We’ll be issuing our very first POAP and are eager to discuss all things open source with you🗣️

OSHK x Python User Group Meetup #79 One more step to PyCon HK 2024
Collaborate with Hong Kong Python User Group Meetups again, share Python knowledge and learn about #PyConHK2024