Call for Proposals will be started from May.
Category: Hong Kong Python User Group

Python meeting 2019.02 (json-rpc)
Hong Kong Python User Group organise a meetup on 21 Feb (Thu) at City University. Kirill Pavlov will share about project history of python project json-rpc and how to attract contributors and grow. He was working on open source python project json-rpc for ~6 years and it became quite popular (almost 400 other projects use […]

Seminar of Chatbot in Python
October 9, 2018 Please register on eventbrite: Speaker will talk about developing Chatbot in python. Sessions will be conducted in English. Thanks for Microsoft Hong Kong to sponsor this event, and snacks and drinks will be provided. Thanks for to provide venue support at their co-working space. Event is organised by Hong Kong […]

HKPyUG Meetup – Aug 2017
Hong Kong Python User Group will organise a meetup on 14 Aug. Adrian will share a topic about python for parallel processing. Date: 14 August 2017, Monday. Time: 8:00-10:00pm Venue: Lecture Theatre LT-18, Yeung Kin Man Acad Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. Topics: Workaround GIL in python for parallel processing by […]

HKPyUG Meetup (July 2017)
Before PyCon HK in early of November, we organises some python meetups and promotes PyCon HK this year. Date: 17 July 2017, Monday. Time: 8-10pm Venue: Lecture Theatre LT-5, 4/F Yeung Kin Man Acad Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. RSVP: Facebook, Eventbrite, Meetup. Topics: python data science popular packages and kaggle […]