Open Source Hong Kong organises Open Data Day hackathon 2018 in Hong Kong this March, and hosts monthly developer meetups in Q1 themed with Open Data. Open Data Day 2018 will be hosted on March 3 at a number of cities in the world. Monthly developer meetups in 2018 Q1 will be organised by OSHK […]
Category: Meetups

Open Source Developer Meetup #9 – Projects & Communities 2017-18
Update of community event: * The LOOP * HKCOTA * HKOSCon * PyConHK Qt, and standing desk(and using QML unit test as a CAD design generation tools) Chrome extension project: Content Fram Blocker, Dualless Brief intro of Ubuntu Core and snaps Ubuntu update Haxe intro and recent update ** Update (6 […]

Open Source Developer Meeting #6 – Data and DevOps
For more photos please check our Facebook album. In Open Source Developer Meeting #6, we invites 3 speakers to share about data & devops topics in the evening, including OpenWhisk, Kubernetes, Scrapy & Django. We will serve Pizza and drinks from 7:00pm, thanks for IBM HK to sponsor meeting #6. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: It is very […]

Open Source Developer Meeting #5 – GeoData
In Open Source Developer Meeting #5 – GeoData, we are inviting developers to share how do they access GeoData including open map, open data with open source software. Date: 7 September 2017, Thursday Time: 19:00 – 21:45 Venue: Classroom B5-208, 5/F Yeung Kin Man Acad Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. Sharing […]

Open Source Developer Meetup #2
“How ELK stack work for data mining” is the first topic at our 2nd open source developer meetup on 1st June evening. And a developer will also show us how to create a presentation slide in 60 seconds with Markdown. Our meetup are open for developers to share any open source projects developed or used […]