June 28, 2018 Please register on eventbrite: https://oshkpyml18.eventbrite.hk Agenda Introduction of Machine Learning Machine Learning in Python Speaker: Delon Yau, Software Engineer, Microsoft. Some snacks and drinks will be served, thanks Microsoft.
Category: Events

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2018 – Message from Sammy
Hello fellow makers and hackers, The Hong Kong Open Source Conference is turning 6 this June and we can’t wait to have you involved! It all started with a few young people like you, who are eager to bring the open source culture to Hong Kong despite of the lack of resources and interests in […]

VXCON 2018 Review
Recently I am studying on subjects related to IT security, and would like to explore more knowledge related to these topics. It’s great to know that there is an event in Hong Kong, which is about security and hacking, it is the VXCON. It is the first time for me to join the VXCON on […]

Blender Workshop 2018
Open Source Multimedia, Hong Kong (OSMM) organises free Blender workshop on 26 May with HK ACM SIGGRAPH. Objectives of Workshop: Introduce Open Source Multimedia & Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Introduce Open Learning & Open Learning Network (OLnet) Contribute this seminar content to our Open Educational Resources (OER) portal so then everyone can learn What is […]

COSCUP will co-host with GNOME.Asia and openSUSE.Asia in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology on 8/11-12. We setup a community booth this year. COSCUP is as known as Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters, the largest annual open source conference in Taiwan with 1,500+ participants. Overseas Visitor Tickets Oversea visitors can now […]