PYCON HK physical conference is back! Our theme this year is “Delight Yourself in Python”
Category: Events

OSHK Happy Hour🍺Beer Meetup (August 2022)
We will have a happy hour drink at a bar in Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui for chit-chat about open source & community.

Open Source HK Meeting (July 2022)
Theme of the month: Starting a New Chapter: working abroad

OSHK Happy Hour🍺Beer Meetup (July 2022)
We will have a happy hour drink at a bar in Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui for chit-chat about open source & community.

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2022 – The 10th Anniversary
The year 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of HKOSCON. To promote the open source culture and close the distance between developers around the world, we keep organizing talks and workshops on Jun 11.