Date: 19-Mar-2025
Venue: Bloomberg Hong Kong Office, 22nd Floor Champion Tower, 3 Garden Road Central, Hong Kong
Google map:
Please also fill in the form the admission purpose before 14/3
F&B: included Pizza & Soft Drink (Confluent Sponsored)
7:00 – 7:30 Networking session
7:30 – 7:55 Introduction OSHK / Bloomberg
8:00 – 8:30 Stream Governance and Schema Registry – Engin Cukuroglu
8:35 – 8:50 Bloomberg open source contributions as both business value and public good – Leo Chen
9:10 – 9:15 Closing
Stream Governance and Schema Registry
而家實時數據嘅增長速度真係太快嘞,搞到好多公司都需要絞盡腦汁研究點樣管理呢啲川流不息嘅數據。隨住投資落去 microservices 越嚟越多,加埋數據來源又一路增長,個人或者團隊點樣全面掌控成間公司入面嘅所有數據流真係越嚟越撠手。喺呢次聚會入面,我哋會傾下 Schema Registry 點樣可以喺 Stream Governance 中發揮作用,仲會介紹吓佢嘅基本概念同埋點樣快靚正咁樣同 microservices 完美整合。聚會完咗之後,大家就可以掌握透過 Schema Registry 靈活管控 Stream Governance 嘅實用心法嘞。
Engin Cukuroglu 係 Confluent 嘅 Solutions Engineering Manager,喺新加坡工作。之前佢擔任過數據科學家、癌症同幹細胞研究員,仲有高性能計算工程師,累積大量分佈式系統同高度可擴展分析方面嘅經驗。化學與生物工程學士畢業後完成計算科學與工程嘅碩士同博士學位,研究集中於分布式系統數據分析,仲開發咗針對蛋白質結構同基因組數據嘅管道,並將研究發表喺科學期刊。最近,佢專注於用 Apache Kafka 喺 GCP、AWS 同 Azure 雲平台上設計高度可擴展嘅解決方案。Linkedin:
With the sharp rise of real-time data, the need for organizational governance over data in motion is growing quickly. As investments into microservices increase and data sources scale, it becomes more and more challenging for any individual or team to understand or govern the full scope of streams flowing across the business.In this meetup, the role of the Schema Registry in Stream Governance will be explored. The fundamentals of Schema Registry and the best practices to integrate with microservices will be covered. After this meetup, participants will begin their stream governance journey with Schema Registry.
Engin Cukuroglu is a Solutions Engineering Manager at Confluent based in Singapore. Previously he wore multiple hats varying from Data Scientist, Cancer & Stem Cell Researcher, and HPC bender in different companies where he gained vast experience on distributed systems and highly scalable analytics for different verticals. After receiving his BSc in Chemical and Biological Engineering, he completed his MSc and PhD in Computational Science and Engineering. His studies primarily focused on data analytics in distributed systems and developing pipelines for protein structures and genomics data. He published his findings in peer reviewed scientific journals. Most recently, he has dedicated his time to designing scalable solutions using Apache Kafka in GCP, AWS and Azure. Linkedin: