The monthly Open Source HK Meeting includes short talks and chit-chat, to share & discuss the open source technology development.

Open Source HK Meeting (Feb 2022)
thly Open Source HK Meeting includes short talks and chit-chat, to share & discuss the open source technology development.

Open Source HK Meeting (Jan 2022)
The monthly Open Source HK Meeting includes short talks and chit-chat, to share & discuss the open source technology development.

2021 Year in Review: Open Source pull us together
2021 was a difficult year for OSHK. Organizing, collaborating and aggregating on activities and events required much more effort than ever. However seeing happy faces online motivates us to keep calm and carry on.

AWS Developer Year End Meetup 2021
AWS Developer Year End Meetup 2021 Featured Community sharing
Calvin Tsang, Core member of Hong Kong Open Source Conference