Hello! You are cordially invited to Open Source Networking Meetup. In this Networking Meetup, we have invited honorary guests from IBM giving an introduction and demonstrations on building various applications including Internet of Things (IoT) on IBM Bluemix platform. Bluemix, awarded the Best Cloud Development Platform by ComputerWorld [2] in 2015, is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) […]
Tag: ibm

[Workshop] Running Open Source Applications on IBM Bluemix PaaS for DevOps
In this hand-ons open source workshop, you can experience running open source web applications such as Django, WordPress on IBM Bluemix platform. You should bring with your laptop and try to running open source applications on IBM Bluemix platform, and talk with IBM and open source experts. Date: 24 August 2015, Monday. Time: 7:00 – […]