Vue.js Hong Kong will host their first meetup on 7/25. Please sign up first, organiser can prepare it better if you can do it. Hong Kong Vue.js Meetup 1 Topic: Introduction to Vue.js with live coding example Date: 25-Jul (Wed) Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Venue: Classroom P4704, 4/F Yeung Kin Man Academic Building (AC1), City […]
Tag: javascript

Hardcore Scraping!
Open Source Hong Kong and Hong Kong R User Group present: Hardcore Scraping! A crossover event between Open Source Hong Kong and Hong Kong R User Group to show you the practical web scraping solutions and they are really hardcore! Date: 26 September 2015, Saturday. Time: 3:00-5:30pm Venue: Digital Media Lab, Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong […]

JSConf China 2015
JSConf China 2015 (7/11-12) will be hosted at Qianhai, Shenzhen (深圳前海), it is focus on javascript and node.js technologies for China and international communities. This conference is supported by OSHK, and OSHK members can use 15% discount off code “oshk_shenjs” on ticket purchase (first 50 only). Seats are running out soon, don’t wait, let’s register […]

Streaming the web, binary json and streaming in javascript
Streaming is an old concept in software, the reason why Unix works so well. It is important that we align with this philosophy when we do web development. During work of my part-time master project, I focused on how to make streaming large files to elastic search efficiently. Below is outline of talk I would […]