Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qaG6Np9p2Dx15S49VACyMT3fz8NvBBbCvy0e4OEQs5g/edit?usp=sharing
November 17 (Tuesday), 2020 at 8:30 PM – 10 PM
20:30 Lobbying, unconference – Calvin Tsang, VP of OSHK
21:00 ‘Automating Jenkins Deployment and Configuration with Docker, JCasC, Job DSL, and Pipelines’ – Daniel Li
01) Self-Introduction
02) Talk Outline/Agenda
03) What is Jenkins?
04) Jenkins – Manual Set Up
05) Introduction to Everything as Code (EaC)
06) Introduction to Docker
07) [DEMO] Deploying Jenkins using Docker
08) Introduction to Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC)
09) [DEMO] Configuring Jenkins using JCasC
10) Introduction to Job DSL
11) Introduction to Jenkins Pipelines
12) [DEMO] Configuring jobs with Job DSL and Jenkins Pipeline
13) [DEMO] Deploying and Configuring Jenkins with Docker, JCasC, Job DSL, and Pipelines
14) Closing
15) Q&A
Spaker: Daniel Li
DevOps engineer / Full-Stack JavaScript developer. Author of the book “Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications”, published by Packt. Previously Managing Director at Brew, a MeteorJS consultancy in Hong Kong.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/oshk-monthly-meetup-202011-jenkins-tickets-128409493251