Monthly open source meeting in September will be postponed to 2nd Thursday. We invites Ivan to share latest development of MySQL. Please feel freely to let us know if you would like to share any open source topics in monthly meetings. Topics: 1. What is excited about the New MySQL 8.0 ? (Ivan Ma) 2. […]
Category: Meetups

Open Source HK Monthly Meetup 2018.08
August 2, 2018 1. Development with Django web framework 101 for beginners by @sammyfung Let Sammy know if you would like to share any open source topics (long/short). All participants must obey Code of Conducts.

Open Source Developer Meetup #12
More about the event: Open Source Developer Meetup is a monthly meetup of open source community, we will host talks. Date: 2018-03-01 Thursday Time: 19:30-21:30 Venue: Classroom G4302, 4/F Yeung Kin Man Acad Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. Registration: (Seating is on a first come first serve basis) GitHub […]

Open Source Developer Meetup #11
February 1, 2018 What we’ll doThanks for Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong to sponsor venue for this meeting. Venue: Classroom Y5-204, 5/F Yeung Kin Man Acad Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. It is a monthly meetup of open source community, we will host an unconference with few […]

Open Source Developer Meetup #10
We are looking for speakers to share open source related topics at monthly meetups. Theme in Q1 2018 is Open Data. Date: 8 December 2017, Friday Time: 19:30 – 21:30 Venue: Classroom G4701, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. Event page on GitHub: Language: English RSVP: Facebook Event […]