Beside monthly events, OSHK exco-members also attend oversea activities to promote open source culture in Hong Kong . Our team will go to Taipei for COSCUP on 17 & 18 August. HKOSCon will share 1 track in there. Below shown the tracks detail and information about COSCUP. We will have a booth on there for sharing open […]
Category: Events

Open Source Hong Kong Monthly Meetup August 2019: “Ansible Night”
Dear folks,Open Source Hong Kong (OSHK) organises its monthly meeting with local subject matter experts. What’s Ansible? Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows. In contrast with other popular configuration-management software – such as […]

Open Source HK Monthly Meeting 2019.07
Open Source Hong Kong (OSHK) organises its monthly meeting. 1. Review and Highlights of Hong Kong Open Source Conference (Sammy Fung and OSHK)2. Openwords: open source (human) language learning (Marc Bogonovich)3. Search as the New Data Warehouse (Grant Ingersoll)4. How to be a community-friendly startup in Japan (Machi Takahashi (高橋真知) & Nao Myoshu (明主那生))5. Kotlin […]

Ladies X Tech X Gents: How are the three compatible?
Open Source Hong Kong is the supporting organization of this event. Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM at ZEROZONE 除咗講IoT, AI 同5G, 我地覺得仲有d 不得不說嘅”小事”。 點解普遍覺得女士programming 不如男士 🤔係唔係女士入行會有著數啲 😮降低女士入行門檻又係唔係歧視男士? 😅呢一系列咁切身嘅問題, (對男士女士都係), 就係今次talk 到傾下啦! 今次Internet Society Hong Kong 搵咗 Emma Wong, Organizer of Google Developer Group &Women Techmakers HK Ivy Luk, Sales Engineer […]

Hand-on Workshop: Event-driven framework for microservices and IOT edge application
Project Flogo is an event-driven framework for microservices and IOT edge application. Open Source Hong Kong organise a workshop with its developer – TIBCO Software Hong Kong. Pre-Registration is required on Eventbrite, please bring your own fully charged laptop with charger to attend the workshop. Hand-on Workshop: Event-driven framework for microservices and IOT edge application: […]