Slide provides from Speakers:
- New open data policy and measures – Development of an OPEN DATA ECOSYSTEM for Hong Kong by Mr. Anthony Chiu, Chief Systems Manager (Data Analytics), OGCIO, Hong Kong Government.
- Open Data in Hong Kong: Looking ahead by Hon. Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (IT).
For technology research, innovation and smart city development, Policy Address 2018 by the Government confirm new open data policy to provide raw materials, every government departments published their annual plan in 2019.
On 2 March 2019, Open Data Day hackathon includes a seminar which we
Developers and data researchers are targeted participants, we invite you to prepare your laptop to prototype or documenting, propose, discuss and exchange opinion on data topics at the 6hr hackathon. You are also welcome to join the 2.5hr seminar.
Open Data Day 2019 – Hong Kong
2 March 2019 Saturday 10am
Lecture Theatre KK101 (1/F) & Classroom KKLG103 (LG1), K.K. Leung Building, Hong Kong University.
Open Data Day in Hong Kong is aimed to foster the development of open data, which
- If required data does not exist in open data format but exist in public webpages, do something (at hackathon) which can tell government/public that we should have this kind of open data.
- If open data exist, use it (at hackathon) and demonstrate it is useful and have a use case, which tells government/public, it still has a small gap between current PSI and real open data.