Open Source Workshop 2014.07 – Web Scraping, MySQL, RESTful API, Meteor

July 5, 2014 at 2 PM – 5:30 PM

  1. Python, Web Scraping and Content Management: Scrapy and Django (Sammy Fung) (40 mins)
  2. MySQL in web scaling and big data (Ivan Ma) (40 mins)
  3. Introduction to RESTful API design (Triton Ho) (40 mins)
  4. Intro to Meteor – the Future Web Platform (Daniel Chcouri) (30mins)
  5. and any other topics will be included.

Languages: Cantonese / English
Co-Organizers: Open Source Hong Kong, Hong Kong Linux User Group.
Venue Sponsor: Department of Computing Science, City University of Hong Kong.

Sammy Fung

Sammy is the President and Founder of Open Source Hong Kong. He is also the founder of the Open Platform Society. In 2022, He become a board member of the GNOME Foundation and a fellow member of the Python Software Foundation.

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