2014.08.02 Sat 14:00-17:30 at CityU G4-701 (Capacity: 40)
Schedule / 內容:
- Developing Multiplayer Pong Game with Node.JS+express+socket.io (Daniel Chcouri) (40 mins) (English)
- MySQL with big data: How memcache is used with MySQL innodb and the MySQL Cluster (Ivan Ma)
(40 mins) - 台灣最大型開源年會 COSCUP 2014 會後分享 (由眾 COSCUP香港出席者分享) (40 mins) (廣東話 Cantonese)
- and any other topics will be included. 還有更多內容
Date: 2014.08.02 Saturday
Time: 14:00 – 17:30
Venue: Classroom G4-701, 4/F Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong. (between Lecture Theatre LT12 and 14)
Language / 語言: Cantonese / English 廣東話 / 英語
RSVP: Facebook or Google Form.
Capacity: 40
Venue Sponsor: Department of Computing Science, City University of Hong Kong.
Co-Organizers: Open Source Hong Kong, Hong Kong Linux User Group