Mart just started to talk extensibility and customizability of GNOME 3 at monthly open source workshop hosted by and Hong Kong Linux User Group.

Open Source Workshop #9 – GNOME 3.6

Open Source Workshop - GNOME 3.6 by Mathieu and Mart, and hosted by and Hong Kong Linux User Group.
Open Source Workshop – GNOME 3.6 by Mathieu and Mart, and hosted by and Hong Kong Linux User Group.

We will talk about GNOME 3.6 release in this monthly workshop.

Date: October 6, 2012. (Saturday)
Time: 2:00-6:00pm
Venue: Classroom Y5-303, 5/F Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong.

14:30 – Opening of the event
14:35-15:20 – GNOME, A Free Operating System for everyone (by Mathieu Bridon)
15:25-16:10 – Enlarge your GNOME (by Mart Van de Ven)
16:15-17:55 – Unconference (by everybody)
18:00 – Wrap-up, closing of the event

For details of above talks, please check out at

Thanks for Department of Computing Studies in City University of Hong Kong, Mathieu and Mart.


Full Agenda

14:30 – Opening of the event

14:35-15:20 – GNOME, A Free Operating System for everyone
    By Mathieu Bridon

    This talk will introduce the GNOME project, its goals and vision.

    After that, we’ll show off the features of GNOME 3.6, and some of
    the plans for the next versions.

    Finally, we’ll show how everybody can join, depending on their
    skills and aspirations.

15:25-16:10 – Enlarge your GNOME
    By Mart Van de Ven

    This talk will showcase the extensibility and customizability of
    GNOME 3, to debunk the myth that GNOME developers hate Freedom.

16:15-17:55 – Unconference
    By everybody

    As Wikipedia puts it eloquently:
        “An unconference is a participant-driven meeting.”

    Come and pitch your own topic. It could be anything, as long as it
    is related to GNOME. It could be a quick talk, a debate, a hackfest,
    a user-helping session, etc.

    If there’s something GNOME-related you’d want to share with others,
    this is the right place and time.

18:00 – Wrap-up, closing of the event

Sammy Fung

Sammy is the President and Founder of Open Source Hong Kong. He is also the founder of the Open Platform Society. In 2022, He become a board member of the GNOME Foundation and a fellow member of the Python Software Foundation.

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