Sammy 將於下星期一(7月3日)21:30 於 與大家暢談開放源碼,同全港最大 web3 developer community 擦出火花!

Microsoft Build Hong Kong
Open Source Hong Kong welcomes the open source initiatives of Microsoft and is delighted to share the exciting news about the upcoming Microsoft Build Hong Kong event.

( Chinese Version Only ) 2023香港資訊及通訊科技獎:智慧市民獎 | 接受報名
開源香港榮幸成為 2023 香港資訊及通訊科技獎:智慧市民獎的支持機構。

Helping Residents in Subdivided Units using Data from Multiple Sources
Open Source Hong Kong is excited to announce our support for the prestigious “Hong Kong Data Forum”, formerly known as The Open Data Conference hosted by the University of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2023
Discover the latest trends in AI, blockchain, IoT industry standards, and open data at the Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2023, organized by HKCOTA, taking place on 9-10th June 2023 at Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP).