XO4All: Eduvolunterism & OLPC

The One Laptop per Child (OLPC) has attracted thousands of volunteers since the XO laptop was announced in 2005. As a volunteer myself this has been a most rewarding experience. Why should people consider giving their time and effort to be eduvolunteers? Do you have the personality and attitude to contribute to its vision. OLPC is facing some uncertainties but it is my belief that it is still relevant today but with interesting challenges ahead. Be part of the solution ..learning to change the world 🙂

Speaker: Mr T.K. Kang (Hong Kong)

T.K. Kang is a Clinical Psychologist with diverse clinical experience and interests. He has worked over the 30 years in various settings, cultural contexts and has published his professional work over the years on using technology to empower his clients. He is passionate about education and currently provide psychological assessment and supporting services for the gifted, special needs children and parents in Asia. He founded The Nurturing Education (TyNE) to meet his four merging interests: PsycTechSocPreneur (Psychology, Technology and Social networking and Enterpreneurship). He is also deeply concerned about the growing digital divide in the world. For the past 5 years he provides expertise as a volunteer to bring education to the poorest children in the world through the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) global initiative.

Language: English / Cantonese (with English Slides)

(This is a a session of Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2014 on 29 March, HKOSC is an annual international conference in Hong Kong for global open source community, it is aimed to demonstrate the use of open source software technology, open hardware technology and latest development in the world. HKOSC is targeted for developers, users and promoters.)

Sammy Fung

Sammy is the President and Founder of Open Source Hong Kong. He is also the founder of the Open Platform Society. In 2022, He become a board member of the GNOME Foundation and a fellow member of the Python Software Foundation.

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