October 9, 2018 Please register on eventbrite: https://bit.ly/2PO75SK Speaker will talk about developing Chatbot in python. Sessions will be conducted in English. Thanks for Microsoft Hong Kong to sponsor this event, and snacks and drinks will be provided. Thanks for playground.work to provide venue support at their co-working space. Event is organised by Hong Kong […]
Category: Events

Open Source HK Developer Meeting 2018.09
Monthly open source meeting in September will be postponed to 2nd Thursday. We invites Ivan to share latest development of MySQL. Please feel freely to let us know if you would like to share any open source topics in monthly meetings. Topics: 1. What is excited about the New MySQL 8.0 ? (Ivan Ma) 2. […]

Open Source HK Monthly Meetup 2018.08
August 2, 2018 1. Development with Django web framework 101 for beginners by @sammyfung Let Sammy know if you would like to share any open source topics (long/short). All participants must obey Code of Conducts.

Hong Kong Vue.js Meetup 1
Vue.js Hong Kong will host their first meetup on 7/25. Please sign up first, organiser can prepare it better if you can do it. Hong Kong Vue.js Meetup 1 Topic: Introduction to Vue.js with live coding example Date: 25-Jul (Wed) Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Venue: Classroom P4704, 4/F Yeung Kin Man Academic Building (AC1), City […]

Machine Learning for Beginners (in R!)
In this 3-hour intensive workshop, you will learn the basic of machine learning in R. This would be a taster session to walk through some of the basics of regression and classification and how to create models in R. The materials of this class would be based loosely on the classes done in 2017 . […]