Starting from May, Open Source Hong Kong resumes monthly open source activities to achieve our mission to promote open source projects and technology. Open Source Developer Meetup is a new series of monthly meetups, open sharing about open source topics in 10-20 minutes each by participants, primarily in Cantonese, and speakers are welcome to speak […]
Category: Events

Protected: Python 101 + Web Scraping workshop VM image download
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Python 101 intro workshop & web scraping with python (Cantonese)
In Hong Kong, many information are available on internet but they are not published as open data, so we talk about the basic technique how to retrieve and extract data from raw HTML pages. This 90-min workshop will quickly cover the basic of:* Python 101 – Introduction to Python Programming* Basic web scraping on python […]

Machine Learning for R Beginners: training course
This is a training course offers by the Hong Kong R User Group with the material based on the book “Machine Learning for Hackers” by Donway and White. In this intensive 8-hours course, you will learn the basic of R and machine learning in practice. The purpose of this course is to build the R […]

HKOSCon 2017 calls for proposals
2017年香港開源年會現正徵求講題,希望大家投多些稿件啊! HKOSCon 2017 is now calling for proposals, we hopes you will submit more proposals! CFP Submission 投稿網址: CFP Deadline 截稿時間: 2016/2/12 23:59