August 13 (Wednesday), 2014 Met Eben and Liz Upton. More about the event:
Category: Events

Open Source Workshop 2014.08 –, MySQL, COSCUP 2014 review
2014.08.02 Sat 14:00-17:30 at CityU G4-701 (Capacity: 40) Schedule / 內容: Developing Multiplayer Pong Game with (Daniel Chcouri) (40 mins) (English) MySQL with big data: How memcache is used with MySQL innodb and the MySQL Cluster (Ivan Ma)(40 mins) 台灣最大型開源年會 COSCUP 2014 會後分享 (由眾 COSCUP香港出席者分享) (40 mins) (廣東話 Cantonese) and any other topics will […]

July 19-20 (Saturday-Sunday), 2014 Sammy Fung conducted a Software Technology and Devloping talk “Scrapy: DIY creating machine-readable data we need before data open” and a Lightning talk “Open Source Job Board” in COSCUP 2014 Taipei. Website: Post Event report: Scrapy: DIY creating machine-readable data we need before data open Abstract Scrapy is a […]

Open Source Workshop 2014.07 – Web Scraping, MySQL, RESTful API, Meteor
July 5, 2014 at 2 PM – 5:30 PM Python, Web Scraping and Content Management: Scrapy and Django (Sammy Fung) (40 mins) MySQL in web scaling and big data (Ivan Ma) (40 mins) Introduction to RESTful API design (Triton Ho) (40 mins) Intro to Meteor – the Future Web Platform (Daniel Chcouri) (30mins) and any […]

OpenSourceHK.Hack.03 Hackathon @ The Loft
June 21, 2014 at 11 AM – 9 PM The Loft Co-working space in Hong Kong Coders and non-coders are all welcome, pre-registration is recommended. Fee: HK$150/head including venue charge and some foods and drinks.Capacity: 5-15 The Loft is our venue sponsor of OpenSourceHK.Hack.01 and Hack.02 Hackathon for special venue charge. Schedule:– Pitching ideas and […]