One of the main attraction of the Java Platform is automatic memory management. The OpenJDK JVM contains sophisticated Garbage Collector algorithms to ensure memory management is done efficiently and with minimal impact to the application. In this talk we will give you a brief tour of the different GC algorithm that is available in OpenJDK […]
Category: Events
XO4All: Eduvolunterism & OLPC
The One Laptop per Child (OLPC) has attracted thousands of volunteers since the XO laptop was announced in 2005. As a volunteer myself this has been a most rewarding experience. Why should people consider giving their time and effort to be eduvolunteers? Do you have the personality and attitude to contribute to its vision. OLPC […]

VLC 2.2 and VideoLAN introduction
As VLC media player version 2.2 is about to be release, we will introduce the VideoLAN project and community behind the versatile open-source media player and streaming server, what to expect from this new major version and from open-source multimedia in the near future. Speaker: Mr. Rémi Denis-Courmont (Finland) and Mr François Cartegnie (France). Mr. […]
A command-line calculator in pure BASH
Using bash-script to implement a command-line calculator for elementary arithmetic in decimal representation. Also attempting to support complex numbers and the exponential function partially. Speaker: Mr Wei-Lun Chao (bluebat) (Taiwan) Mr Wei-Lun Chao (bluebat) has worked as Development Team Lead or Project Manager for open source projects related to Linux system integration. He is also […]
Open Source Beyond Developers – is an online community that advocates information transparency, focusing on developing information platform and tools for citizens to participate in our society. Substituting the “o” with “0″ in gov, the new “g0v” not only stands for rethinking the role that the government plays from the bottom up, but also represents the world view of […]