October 2 (Sunday), 2016 We will be one of judges at HKUST Hackjam today. Student teams uploads their codes on GitHub and open source.
Category: Supporting Events

Open Source Networking Meetup – Discovering CloudPower with IoT and API Economy
Hello! You are cordially invited to Open Source Networking Meetup. In this Networking Meetup, we have invited honorary guests from IBM giving an introduction and demonstrations on building various applications including Internet of Things (IoT) on IBM Bluemix platform. Bluemix, awarded the Best Cloud Development Platform by ComputerWorld [2] in 2015, is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) […]

University IT Exploration Conference 2015
Open Source Hong Kong supports a joint university IT conference in October. University IT Exploration Conference 2015 will be hosted at City University Hong Kong, #UnitExCon is co-organised by student computer society from 7 local universities in Hong Kong. University IT Exploration Conference 2015 Date: 4th Oct 2015, Sunday. Time: 10:30 – 18:30 Venue: Floor […]

Free Seminars: Mobile Applications Testing Competency Training for SME
organised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dept of Computing OSHK is one of supporting organization Workshop ScheduleTime and Venue Series 1 (28-29 Aug)Session 1: Importance of Mobile Apps TestingVenue: PQ703, Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityDate: 2:00PM – 5:00PM, 28 Aug Session 2: Introduction to TMMi and Testing BasicsVenue: PQ703, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Date: 9:15PM – […]

JSConf China 2015
JSConf China 2015 (7/11-12) will be hosted at Qianhai, Shenzhen (深圳前海), it is focus on javascript and node.js technologies for China and international communities. This conference is supported by OSHK, and OSHK members can use 15% discount off code “oshk_shenjs” on ticket purchase (first 50 only). Seats are running out soon, don’t wait, let’s register […]