Open Source Hong Kong is the supporting organization of this event.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM at ZEROZONE
除咗講IoT, AI 同5G, 我地覺得仲有d 不得不說嘅”小事”。
點解普遍覺得女士programming 不如男士 🤔
係唔係女士入行會有著數啲 😮
降低女士入行門檻又係唔係歧視男士? 😅
呢一系列咁切身嘅問題, (對男士女士都係), 就係今次talk 到傾下啦!
今次Internet Society Hong Kong 搵咗
- Emma Wong, Organizer of Google Developer Group &
Women Techmakers HK - Ivy Luk, Sales Engineer of Clare.AI
- May Yeung, Director of ISOC HK
- Rick Mak, Co-Founder of Oursky
This is the first event of ISOC HK’ s “Small Talk”(?) series. While the development and deployment of new technologies like IoT, AI and 5G are of huge concern, “small talk”(?) like gender issue in the industry shouldn’t be ignored.
This sharing gathers both men and women who code or work in the ICT industry to discuss the phenomenon of positive discrimination in ICT industry and explore a possible way to eliminate the discrimination.
We invited:
- May Yeung, Director of Internet Society Hong Kong;
- Ivy Luk, Sales Engineer of Clare.AI;
- Emma Wong, Organizer of Google Developer Group & Women Techmakers HK; and,
- Rick Mak, Co-Founder of Oursky
to share with us at the “small” talk.