Open Source Hong Kong (OSHK) organises its monthly meeting.
1. Review and Highlights of Hong Kong Open Source Conference (Sammy Fung and OSHK)
2. Openwords: open source (human) language learning (Marc Bogonovich)
3. Search as the New Data Warehouse (Grant Ingersoll)
4. How to be a community-friendly startup in Japan (Machi Takahashi (高橋真知) & Nao Myoshu (明主那生))
5. Kotlin 101 (Mikhail Vink & Shengyou Fan)
Date: 9 July 2019, Tuesday.
Time: 19:15-21:30
Venue: Classroom G5-317, Yeung Kin Man Acad Building (AC1), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong.
Venue Sponsor: Department of Computer Science, City Univerisity of Hong Kong.
RSVP: https://oshk1907.eventbrite.hk
Social Networks:
“Openwords : open source (human) language learning”
by Marc Bogonovich
Marc will introduce the
About ‘
Importantly the teacher will be free to express the curricula they desire.
“Search as the new Data Warehouse”
by Grant Ingersoll, CTO and co-founder of Lucidworks
Examine the mapping of search engine capabilities onto modern data warehousing and data lake needs and weigh the pros and cons of such an approach by looking at use cases and capabilities of open source engines like Apache Solr and Elasticsearch.
Speaker Info:
Grant Ingersoll is the CTO and co-founder of Lucidworks as well as an active member of the Lucene community – a Lucene and Solr committer, co-founder of the Apache Mahout machine learning project, and a
About ‘Lucidworks’
“Lucidworks fundamentally believes in the benefits provided by the Apache Lucene/Solr project. That’s why we dedicate so much of the time of some of our key employees to work towards the success of this very important open source project. We are pleased to introduce you to our Apache Lucene/Solr team.”
“How to be a community-friendly startup in Japan”
by Machi Takahashi (高橋真知) & Nao Myoshu (明主那生), Stroly Inc.
As one of example cases, we worked with
We organize
About ‘Stroly’
Stroly is a map platform using OpenStreetMap that allows you to experience and share the diverse stories within the place.With the birth of smart phones and map apps, it became easier to acknowledge our locations. The map apps function as tools to provide accurate information of your destination and of your current location. However, the information provided from map apps cannot share the stories of how the people living there have felt and thought throughout the time. Also, it is hard to imagine the shape of the city and what kind of stories will be created in the future.
Machi Takahashi is Co-CEO of Stroly and Nao Myoshu is Communication designer in Stroly.
“Kotlin 101”
by Mikhail Vink & Shengyou Fan
Kotlin is a new open-source programming language like Java, JavaScript, etc. It is a high level strongly statically typed language that combines functional and technical part in the same place. Currently, Kotlin targets Java and JavaScript. It runs on JVM.
Kotlin is influenced by other programming languages such as Java, Scala, Groovy, Gosu, etc. The syntax of Kotlin may not be exactly similar to JAVA, however, internally Kotlin is reliant on the existing Java Class library to produce wonderful results for the programmers. Kotlin provides interoperability, code safety, and clarity to the developers around the world.
About ‘JetBrains’
At JetBrains,