Open Source Hong Kong is thrilled to announce that Soosu will be making a grand appearance at COSCUP 2023! This is an incredible opportunity to meet and greet our adorable new mascot.

Due to the pandemic, we are not able to join the COSCUP 2021 in person

As one of the organizers of Hong Kong Open Source Conference, this year we invited community to submit proposal and join COSCUP 2020 online. 4 speakers participated in the event.

Beside monthly events, OSHK exco-members also attend oversea activities to promote open source culture in Hong Kong . Our team will go to Taipei for COSCUP on 17 & 18 August. HKOSCon will share 1 track in there. Below shown the tracks detail and information about COSCUP. We will have a booth on there for sharing open […]

Track exchange program for HKOSCon 2019 and COSCUP 2019
HKOSCon 2019 and COSCUP 2019 will have track exchange program for these conferences. HKOSCon will provide COSCUP reserved track vice versa. Particular class of donation ticket for HKOSCon *that eligible to apply a ticket for COSCUP too*. Feel free for enquiry (Volunteers role, Speakers or Sponsors) for more detail. 香港開源年會 2019及 開源人年會(台灣) 2019 確認合作成雙連會。 兩地將提供預留客方專屬議程,而香港購買特別的贊助門票,*亦可申請* COSCUP […]