WebRTC2SIP and Open IMS

Some introduction to NGN technology , introduction to webrtc2sip, architecture of webrtc2sip, sipml5, show demo audio video communication using chrome, introduction to open-ims, architecture of open-ims, show demo audio video communication using android mobiles.

Speaker: Jorge Serrano (Peru)

Mr Jorge Serrano is professor and software developer using Java and .NET in Peru Universities. Regularly give conference based on new open source technologies also serves as a writer in some magazines in Peru.

Master in software engineer from Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication, academic research include cloud computing, compiler construction and software development.

Language: English (with English Slides)

(This is a a session of Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2014 on 29 March, HKOSC is an annual international conference in Hong Kong for global open source community, it is aimed to demonstrate the use of open source software technology, open hardware technology and latest development in the world. HKOSC is targeted for developers, users and promoters.)

Sammy Fung

Sammy is the President and Founder of Open Source Hong Kong. He is also the founder of the Open Platform Society. In 2022, He become a board member of the GNOME Foundation and a fellow member of the Python Software Foundation.