Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2019 is now calling for proposals (CFP). Open Source Hong Kong (OSHK), HKOSCon participating communities and HKOSCon are inviting you to submit proposals to HKOSCon 2019. It is joint CFP of main & community tracks this year. You may proposes a talk (regular/short), a workshop, a development sprint or other […]
Category: Events

Track exchange program for HKOSCon 2019 and COSCUP 2019
HKOSCon 2019 and COSCUP 2019 will have track exchange program for these conferences. HKOSCon will provide COSCUP reserved track vice versa. Particular class of donation ticket for HKOSCon *that eligible to apply a ticket for COSCUP too*. Feel free for enquiry (Volunteers role, Speakers or Sponsors) for more detail. 香港開源年會 2019及 開源人年會(台灣) 2019 確認合作成雙連會。 兩地將提供預留客方專屬議程,而香港購買特別的贊助門票,*亦可申請* COSCUP […]

Open Source HK Developer Meeting: Dockerizing JavaScript Applications by Daniel Li
Please register on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/open-source-hk-developer-meeting-tickets-52141524704 DateNovember 20, 2018 TopicsDockerizing JavaScript Applications (Daniel Li)Daniel is author of the book “Building Enterprise JavaScript Applications”(Packt Publishing) and come into town in November. Venue Sponsor: Department of Computer Science, City University Hong Kong

Seminar of Kubernetes 2018
Speakers will share about Kubernetes in this seminar. Pre-registration on eventbrite is required. – https://bit.ly/2RwcZsD Schedule 19:15 Welcome by Open Source Hong Kong 19:20 How customers are transforming their business using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)and how AKS is leading the containers innovation in the cloud (Saurya Das) 20:20 Break 20:30 OSS developer tooling for Kubernetes […]

Hacktoberfest 2018 Hong Kong
October 22 (Monday), 2018 Door opens from 7:00pm. Direction to CityU CMC: https://bit.ly/2OvnwqN In this meetup, we introduces Hacktoberfest campaign, and we also invites you to share about your open source projects (public repos) on GitHub. Door opens from 7:00pm https://hacktoberfest.digitalocean.com/ Thanks for CityU AppsLab to sponsor venue.